Voices Against Violence
Join the many voices speaking out against violence.
Complete the sentence below email us your statement at vday@ffwn.org
I am speaking out against violence because . . . .
- I have experienced it. It is horrible, nightmarish, and created a scar that is hard to heal. – Sol Manaay

- Because of my 14-year old daughter. She is my life and she was violated at the age of 4. Her strength to tell me her experience and forge forward against the abuser gave me the strength to speak out for those who have no voice to speak. Because of her I will continue to fight for those who have no voice. – Noelani

- I believe in the power of words, especially The Voice. I want to inspire and empower those who feel powerless. As human beings, we have a voice. It’s time to speak up. – Gian

I believe that if we amplify our voices together – we are stronger and can be strong for another sister in need.
My daughters, sisters, mothers, and friends deserve to be safe!
- As a victim of abuse, I am determined to educate and protect and heal women from the painful experience of being abused. – Felicia Perez

I am the only one in my family who would speak out. I also want to honor my mother, who gave up so much so my sister and I could be what we wanted to be.
- It is wrong, plain and simple! And for the sake of all victims, future victims, especially those I care
about. – Errol Zschornack
- I experienced this. I was silent for so many years! I finally spoke out and I want others to find the courage to end their silence! – Christina C.

I was blind, now I can see! I had no idea what was going outside my environment. Now I see and have learned more. I know I can do something about domestic violence. I want to contribute to stop domestic violence.
I belong to the she-half of a people with a long history of subjugation but also of resistance in each of the 7,100 islands. For the women I’ve met who have less but fight more. For my daughter, Tala.
I am a survivor and many women out there are reduced to feeling helpless; emotionally torn down by their abuser. I want them to get their strength back, so I’m speaking LOUD. – Geraldine Nuval 
Too many women and children don’t feel they can speak out. I hear their stories each day. I want to help by being their voice. – Erin Fightmaster
I do not want my daughters to experience it. I do not want my son to experience and perpetuate it. – Fides Enriquez 
I do not want anyone to ever experience violence in their life. Life is hard enough without having to cope with domestic violence. – Mitzi Manzano
Photo credits: Brenda Hartshorn Photography