KUMADRE Sponsor $5,000
- Reserved VIP table for 10 on Thursday, October 13, 2011 at the Keynote Luncheon. Guest speaker is California Chief Justice Tani Gorre Cantil Sakauye
- Reserved VIP table for 10 on Friday, October 14, 2011 at the 100 Most Influential Filipina American Women Gala Awards Ceremony & Dinner. Keynote speaker is Evelyn Dilsaver.
- 4 complimentary tickets to the Welcome Evening Reception (10/13). Keynote speaker is Rear Admiral Eleanor Valentin.
- 4 complimentary tickets to the VIP Reception (10/14)
- 25% discount for full summit registrations (up to 5)
- Half page, color ad (4.75”W x 10.5”H) in the FWN Souvenir Magazine (Filipina Summit issue). Please email camera-ready ad to filipina@ffwn.org before Sept. 20.
- Corporate logo on FWN website with hot link to your site
- Acknowledgment on all eblasts and media sponsor ads.
- Corporate logo displayed as “Kumadre Sponsor” on Powerpoint loop at Keynote Luncheon (10/13), Welcome Evening Reception (10/13) and Gala Awards Dinner (10/14)
- Option to provide corporate give-aways in gift bags
Evelyn S. Dilsaver

KASAMA Sponsor (for individuals, small businesses) US$2,500
- Reserved table for 10 at (10/14)
- 2 complimentary tickets to the VIP Reception (10/14)
- 1/8 page, black and white congratulatory ad (4.75”W x 2.625”H) in the FWN Magazine (Filipina Summit issue). Please email camera-ready ad to filipina@ffwn.org before Sept. 20.
- Acknowledgment on FWN website
- Name or logo displayed as “Kasama Sponsor” on Powerpoint loop at Opening Reception (10/13) and Gala Awards Dinner (10/14)
Dellie and Achelle Punla
Delarch Corporation
Sponsorship in Honor of
Dr. Estela C. Matriano
Alliant International University
Esther Chavez
Jaime Ortiz
Dr. Josefina Enriquez
Lillian Gonzales-Pardo MD
Maria Beebe, Ph.D.
President & CEO, Global Networks
Maria Benel Se-Liban
Vasquez & Company LLP
Sponsorship in Honor of
Esther M. Chavez & Christina Laskowski
Margarita Chavez & Katrina Montinola
Mila Josue
American College of Nursing
Soledad Manaay

KAIBIGAN (Individual Supporter) US$1,000
- 2 tickets, VIP seating (10/14)
- 2 complimentary tickets to the VIP Reception (10/14)
- Acknowledgment on FWN website
- Acknowledgment on Powerpoint loop at Opening Reception (10/13) and Gala Awards Dinner (10/14)
Design Acquisition Corporation
You may pay for your sponsorship online: