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  • Virtual Water Cooler: Maria Beebe PhD: "The Language of Credit in a Rural Setting in the Philippines"

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Virtual Water Cooler: Maria Beebe PhD: "The Language of Credit in a Rural Setting in the Philippines"

  • January 21, 2022
  • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
  • Zoom Meeting
  • 100


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  • Zoom registration @ https://on.ffwn.org/2OabvYY

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Every Friday: 8AM-9AM PST

Zoom link to attend: https://on.ffwn.org/2OabvYY

Maria Beebe PhD

Global FWN100™2013

Global FWN100™ Continuing Influential 2019

President, Kaisipan 

Naples, FL

Filipinas with PhDs Series

So you've earned your PhD. FWN invites FWN members to share the many years they've spent in research and interviews and how they have successfully defended their dissertations.

"The Language of Credit in a Rural Setting in the Philippines"

"Did the farmers profit from this credit program?,"asks a development agency official to the director of a Filipino credit program.  "Natuto na po silang magkaisa." (They have learned to work as one), the director replied. The question is a request for financial accounting. The response is a social accounting. This verbal exchange about an economic activity is circumscribed by social interaction. The observation of problems with attempts to provide formal credit to farmers and differences in perceptions about the factors related to these problems provide the impetus for this study.  

This study aims to examine the meaning of credit in a rural Philippine setting. The key to understanding the meaning of credit is the relationship between (a) Tagalog-based Filipino language structures and other discourse properties and (b) Filipino social structure and processes. Talk about credit defines not only economic obligations but also social obligations. While structures do not always equate with "social meaning," language structure, especially when examined in the context of social exchanges, can suggest "social meaning."

Maria Beebe, PhD has an M.A. in Social Science and Ph.D. in Education from Stanford University.  Her research and advocacy interests include critical discourse analysis, women's leadership, and information, communication technologies (ICT) for development. 

Maria co-edited three FWN books about Filipina women and leadership; DISRUPT1.0. Filipina Women: Proud, Loud, Leading without a Doubt (2014); DISRUPT2.0. Filipina Women: Daring to Lead (2016); and, DISRUPT3.0. Filipina Women: Rising (2018) during her term as a board member of the Filipina Women's Network (FWN). The editing experience became a coaching and mentoring exercise to help authors articulate their leadership journeys. In addition, Maria participated in book readings in London, Toronto, Barcelona, and various cities in the Philippines and in the U.S.

Maria launched Kaisipan, as a passion project, in June 2020 to address the skill sets related to the Programme for International Student Engagement (PISA) using information and communication technologies. (ICTs). Kaisipan’s mission is to improve the digital capabilities of Philippines educators to transform learning and teaching. By digital capabilities, Kaisipan means a set of cognitive, technical, and humanizing competencies to iLEARN, iCREATE, iSHARE using iCTs. 

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FWN convenes a weekly Virtual Water Cooler. Showing up for each other. A gathering to share, ask and give. 

SHARE: Do you have a story, an article, a job promotion, an award you received, news about your company, an idea you want to share?

ASK: Do you need advice, a resource, a contact, someone to review your resume or a speech you're writing, guidance on a marketing pitch or grant proposal? I know it's not in our culture to ask for help as many of us feel ashamed. Know that you are in a safe, private and confidential environment.

GIVE: Do you have something to give? A free consultation, a book, an item you no longer need, a ticket to attend a Zoom event or conference, a discount coupon, a free meal? Receiving is at the heart of our connection with one another. It is about paying forward.

This weekly gathering is to demonstrate the abiding power of FWN's personal connections and bringing people together in solidarity and comfort.

REGISTER via Zoom: https://on.ffwn.org/2OabvYY

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